Holo again mi familia y mi amigos.
I know i didn't send an email out last week so I'll try and make this one good. Anyway can you believe I am already halfway done with the MTC? Neither can I. Time flies when you are on the Lord's errand.
These past two weeks have been super bueno. I've had the opportunity to teach many investigators (members who volunteer to help the missionaries out) with my companion and it has been very fun. My companion took three years of spanish in highschool so he carries the lessons most of the time while I still learn but it's been good having him around to help me. When we aren't teaching or planning lessons we are usually talking about sports. This dude is 6'5 190 and he's a beast at basketball. If we end up as companions in Guatemala we will probably be the two tallest people in that country.
The language is finally starting to click for me. All of the stuff I couldn't understand in the beginning I understand now. Grammar was especially challenging and it still kind of is but for the most part I have it figured out... I think. Last week we were told we had to remember like 2500 words and like 500 phrases in spanish by the end of the mtc. I thought this would be a challenge but lowkey it has been easy. Being at home is nice because we have access to quizlet and kahoot. Shoutout to the missionary in the past who put all 2500 words and 500 phrases on a quizlet. I don't know who you are but you are truly a hero. Anyway 2500 words and 500 phrases seems like a lot but it really isn't. It's been cool to see how many words I already knew when we started. I thought I knew like five but after looking at the quizlet I was reassured that I am in better shape than I thought.
My district is pretty cool. We all have started getting closer as the weeks go by and we all have a similar sense of humor which is awesome. Last week we all changed our names on zoom and it totally threw off our teacher. Then she told us that even though we are all scattered across the United States, she could still hit us with her chancla. (flip flop)
It was funny but we all decided we can't prank our teachers like that anymore, or atleast to that extent. Most of us live in Utah and Colorado with a few being scattered in places like Reno Nevada and the island of Alaska, (inside joke, I know Alaska isn't an island). The kid from Alaska is the target of many jokes because Alaska is like a foreign land to most of us. He said he has a dog but we all think it's just a baby deer or something because they don't have dogs in Alaska. Just kidding but anyway yeah my district is the bomb.
I guess I'll end with a spiritual thought. In the scriptures it frequently says, nevertheless thy will be done, or something along the lines of that many times. Usually what is happening is that God is directing someone to do something and then they place their argument, opinion, etc. But because they trust in God they always end by saying, Nevertheless thy will be done. That is so powerful because it literally shows them forfeiting everything they just previously stated because they know God will provide a way for them. At the beginning of the summer I remember that a goal of mine was to try and submit to God's will more fully. As I did this I received many blessings. Then when I started the MTC I kind of forgot about this. I was so nervous and scared that I closed the door to God's will and only sought after mine. That was a dumb decision, but luckily as time has gone on I have realized that I am doing God's work, so I better be submitting to his will. As I have done this more fully and strived to be exactly obedient the blessings I have received have been miraculous. I testify that God's plan for us is always better than our plan for us. We may not like it at times but he knows all. His plan is on an eternal perspective and sometimes ours isn't. If we just submit to his will and have faith in him I promise he will lead us in the right direction. Te dejo esto en el nombre de Tu hijo, Jesucristo, Amen.
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